
これは、放送大学学園の放送研究図書資料棟(現:放送・研究棟)屋上に設置されていた、放送大学の番組を東京タワーへ伝送するためのパラボラアンテナを支える鉄塔の一部です。鉄塔の先端は地上70mの高さに達し、電波が東京の市街地を超えるよう設計されていました。 1983(昭和58)年から2021(令和3)年まで設置され、そのうち1985(昭和60)年から33年間、この鉄塔に取り付けられたアンテナから放送番組を東京タワーに向けて伝送し、東京タワーより関東広域圏にテレビ及びラジオ放送による授業を地上波で発信していました。
Part of Steel Tower, Broadcasting Research Library
and Archives Building,
The Open University of Japan
This is part of the steel tower that once supported the parabola antenna on the roof of the Broadcasting Research Library and Archives Building (currently the Broadcasting Research Building) of the Open University of Japan. The antenna was used to transmit the university’s programs to Tokyo Tower. Standing at a height of 70 meters, it was designed to transmit radio waves beyond Tokyo’s urban area. It was installed from 1983 to 2021, and for 33 years from 1985 until 2018, classes were transmitted to Tokyo Tower from the antenna on the steel tower and then relayed throughout the Kanto region via terrestrial TV and radio broadcasts.
When the Open University of Japan began offering courses, its TV broadcast range was limited to the whole areas of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba, and parts of Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma. Today, thanks to BS digital broadcasting, cable TV, and the Internet, classes broadcast by our university can be taken throughout Japan. With the end of terrestrial broadcasting, the parabola antenna was no longer needed, bringing the steel tower’s mission to a close. In 2021, the tower was dismantled and removed. We decided to preserve and display part of it as a historical material that tells the story of distance education by the Open University of Japan.

建設中の放送大学本部 1982(昭和57)年10月〜






2021(令和3)年 解体中の鉄塔

2021(令和3)年 解体中の鉄塔

2021(令和3)年 解体中の鉄塔部分、
